Our story

"With small steps and a look into the future

create natural cosmetics with effective ingredients

from the nature that is near us. "

We started writing our story in 2011 when we planted the first lavender seedlings in the village Povir in the Kras (Karst). After the original idea of acquiring essential oil the desire to make cosmetics, which could be used by the whole family, awakened. With our children, I and my wife realized how important it is to take care of our health and body using cosmetics with the most natural ingredients. That is why we have combined the desire for a healthy lifestyle, the diversity of Kras (Karst) and Mediterranean aromas and the love for our children in order to share all this with you. We try to create quality products with active ingredients derived from plants that grow in our surroundings.

Our plantations of aromatic plants and the production of active ingredients.

The pleasant Alpine and Mediterranean climate and porous soils have favourably effect on the growth of medicinal herbs which grow on the Kras (Karst) and in the Mediterranean.

By own extraction of essential oils and extracts by steam distillation we take care of quality control of active ingredients.

Production of natural cosmetics for the whole family

Cosmetics are manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP) and we take care of quality control of finished products, which is in accordance with the European Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.


All cosmetic products are dermatologically tested and supported by appropriate tests of usability and efficacy by the accredited laboratory of JSH Hamilton.

We select only quality ingredients and avoid ingredients such as parabens, sulphates, artificial colouring, synthetic perfumes, etc.

Zlato rumena omamno dišeča cvetlica se v zadnjih letih preriva v ospredje anti-age nege kože. Smilj ali po latinsko Helichrysum italicum najdemo v suhih, kamnitih ali peščenih tleh Sredozemlja. Ime Helichrysum pa izvira iz grških besed »helios« and »chryos« ali zlato sonce. Poznali so ga že Stari Grki, ki so z njim okraševali templje, ki so bili namenjeni bogovom. Poimenovali so ga  »amarantos«, »nikoli ne ovene« ali »večno mlad«, saj so očitno dobro poznali predvsem njegovo lastnost ohranjanja mlade kože. V nekaterih jezikih še danes v svojem imenu ohranja nesmrtnost; »immortelle« v francoščini, »everlasting« v angleščini.

V kozmetiki ga poznamo predvsem po svojih aktivnih učinkovinah na kožo, saj se zaradi močnega regenerativnega učinka tradicionalno uporablja v anti-age izdelkih; pomaga zmanjšati gube in zgladiti kožo. Je odlična pomoč za suho in razdraženo kožo. Študije kažejo, da eterično olje smilja lahko pomaga spodbujati celjenje, je odlično v boju proti okužbam in zmanjšuje vnetja. Poleg tega ima eterično olja smilja pomembno vlogo pri proizvodnji kolagena ter zaščitne lastnosti, ki krepijo ravnovesje in obrambo na ravni kože.

Parna destilacija cvetov poteka, ko je rastlina na vrhuncu cvetenja, neposredno med nasadi. Z destilacijo sveže rastline (ne več kot pol ure od žetve do destilacije) zagotavljamo hidrolat visoke kakovosti brez dodanih konzervansov. Le tako hidrolat obdrži vse aktivne učinkovine, ki jih pripisujemo rastlini, le v manjših koncentracijah.

Ta aromatična voda pomirja pordelost in draženje, pomaga pri opeklinah vseh vrst ter obnavlja suho in zrelo vrsto kože.