In case you want to claim the warranty you have to follow the steps listed below:

Step 1:

Send a warranty claim to the email address and request reclamation which implies that you want to withdraw from the contract. We can start with the reclamation process once we get consumer's request via an email message or a letter. Phone calls don't allow us to start the process.

Product return form

Step 2:

A company representative will use either email communication or the post to forward you a reclamation form (depends on how you requested the reclamation yourself).

Step 3:

Fill out the reclamation form that you can also find here and explain to us in detail why you decided to request reclamation.

Our reclamation department will examine the product and the reclamation form. In the event that any crucial part of the information is missing, we will contact you once again. This can slow down the reclamation process so please fill in the form correctly the first time.

Step 4:

The reclaimed product has to be sent to our company. All products that get shipped from our distribution center are always securely packaged in an original case, so please make sure the product is protected when sending it back. The original packaging of the product should be undamaged.

You should mark the packaging with a note saying RECLAMATION, as any unmarked packages will get rejected.

IMPORTANT: Any packages sent to us with the method „cash on delivery“ or „postage paid by the addressee“ will be rejected and the full cost will be charged to you.

If the packaging is in any way damaged or covered by delivery labels (which makes it unusable), we won't be able to return you 100% of the purchase price but will deduct 50%. Any missing parts also mean that we will deduct the return total, however that will be marked on a separate place. In the event that you want your money back during the reclamation process, the product will once again become the property of the company Renčelj d. o. o.

Step 5:

Once the product, including all the necessary documents, gets delivered to the company Renčelj d.o.o the reclamation department will carefully examine it and the reclamation form. When that is finished a company representative will contact you and explain to you the following steps.

Any reclamation claim is solved individually based on the reclamation claim (withdrawal from the contract – returning the goods, 100% satisfaction warranty). The reclamation department can also offer you to exchange the product or refund you your money.


1. If the package shows any visible signs of damage upon delivery the buyer can turn down the package.

Zlato rumena omamno dišeča cvetlica se v zadnjih letih preriva v ospredje anti-age nege kože. Smilj ali po latinsko Helichrysum italicum najdemo v suhih, kamnitih ali peščenih tleh Sredozemlja. Ime Helichrysum pa izvira iz grških besed »helios« and »chryos« ali zlato sonce. Poznali so ga že Stari Grki, ki so z njim okraševali templje, ki so bili namenjeni bogovom. Poimenovali so ga  »amarantos«, »nikoli ne ovene« ali »večno mlad«, saj so očitno dobro poznali predvsem njegovo lastnost ohranjanja mlade kože. V nekaterih jezikih še danes v svojem imenu ohranja nesmrtnost; »immortelle« v francoščini, »everlasting« v angleščini.

V kozmetiki ga poznamo predvsem po svojih aktivnih učinkovinah na kožo, saj se zaradi močnega regenerativnega učinka tradicionalno uporablja v anti-age izdelkih; pomaga zmanjšati gube in zgladiti kožo. Je odlična pomoč za suho in razdraženo kožo. Študije kažejo, da eterično olje smilja lahko pomaga spodbujati celjenje, je odlično v boju proti okužbam in zmanjšuje vnetja. Poleg tega ima eterično olja smilja pomembno vlogo pri proizvodnji kolagena ter zaščitne lastnosti, ki krepijo ravnovesje in obrambo na ravni kože.

Parna destilacija cvetov poteka, ko je rastlina na vrhuncu cvetenja, neposredno med nasadi. Z destilacijo sveže rastline (ne več kot pol ure od žetve do destilacije) zagotavljamo hidrolat visoke kakovosti brez dodanih konzervansov. Le tako hidrolat obdrži vse aktivne učinkovine, ki jih pripisujemo rastlini, le v manjših koncentracijah.

Ta aromatična voda pomirja pordelost in draženje, pomaga pri opeklinah vseh vrst ter obnavlja suho in zrelo vrsto kože.